Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Study Tips for Math Students

Studying for a math class is NOT like studying for any other class, like history, because you CANNOT be a successful math student by reading and studying your lecture notes.  A math student must be more proactive than that.  Here's a list of good study habits that I learned when I was a student:

1) Attend every class session; in a math class, so much material is covered in one class session that it's difficult to catch up when you are missing the material from a class session.

2) Exchange contact information with one or two fellow students that you feel comfortable with.  That way, you can get a copy of the lecture notes if you missed a class or even form a study-buddy group.  Study buddies are very beneficial because it may give you an opportunity to explain the material to others and by explaining the material to others, you get a better understanding of the material yourself.

3)  Sit as close to the front of the classroom as possible.  When you sit at the front of the classroom, you can see the board better, you can hear better, and there are less distraction in the front of the classroom.  A lot of students believe that if they sit at the front of the classroom, they'll be called on more by the teacher and that embarrasses them.  This is NOT true; matter of fact, in my experience, I have noticed that teachers call more on the students in the back because the teacher wants to make sure that those students are paying attention!  So, do yourself a favor: sit in the front seat of class!

4) Be organized.  It is imperative to be organized in a math class.  You have to keep up with a lot of paperwork: lecture notes, homework, tests, quizzes, due dates and test dates.  When I was a student, I organized my notebook with folder/dividers with the following reserved tabs:

Course Info-to keep the syllabus and any other contact information for tutors or study buddies.
Notes-To keep lecture notes in chronological order of the class sessions; make sure to date your lecture notes.
Homework-To keep homework assignments in chronological order of the class sessions; make sure to date your assignments.
Tests-To keep tests in order.
Quizzes-To keep quizzes in order. 

Remember, never throw anything away from the class until it is over and you have your grade for the class!

5) Re-copy your lecture notes after class.  I always found it very useful when I was a student to re-copy my lecture notes directly after class.  If you do this, the information will be still fresh on your mind, so if you catch any mistakes you might have made in class while taking notes, you can more than likely correct the error.  This also gives you the chance to write the notes more neatly and organize them so you can better understand them later on.  Have fun and be creative with colors, so the material doesn't seem so boring!   Re-writing your lecture notes is a fun and a proactive way to better understand the material learned in each lecture!

6) Be prepared for class.  It is very important to keep track of  important dates, like tests dates and due dates.  I always kept an old-fashioned organizer (you never know when technology fails) to write down homework assignments and important dates.  Also, get enough rest before class so you're alert and can keep up with the information!

7) DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!  You have to do EVERY homework assignment in order to be a successful math student.  Also, do the assignments very soon after you get it rather than waiting 'til the last minute--the material will be easier to comprehend with it fresh on your mind.  In short, the only way to learn math is by doing math!

I hope these tips help you; they always worked for me when I was a student!

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